Proposed by Cllr Kath Perry MBE, Seconded by Cllr David Williams and RESOLVED: the appointments (as set out below) are approved:
Licensing and Regulatory Committee
Conservative Group (10)
Councillors Andy Adams, Helen Adams, Meg Barrow, Chris Evans, Rita Heseltine, Matthew Jackson, Vince Merrick, John Michell, Bernard Williams, Robert Reade
Chairman – Councillor Vince Merrick
Vice-Chairman – Councillor Meg Barrow
Overview and Scrutiny Committee
Chairman – Councillor Victor Kelly
Vice-Chairman – Councillor Matthew Jackson
Asset Scrutiny Panel
Conservative Group (5)
Councillors Val Chapman, Phil Davis, Sue Duncan, Martin Perry, Wendy Sutton
Chairman – Martin Perry
Vice-Chairman – Phil Davis
Wellbeing Select Committee
Conservative Group (8)
Councillors Helen Adams, Val Chapman, Chris Evans, Diane Holmes, Wendy Sutton, Sue Szalapski, Bernard Williams, Kath Williams
Chairman – Councillor Val Chapman
Vice-Chairman – Councillor Helen Adams
Planning Committee
Conservative Group (12)
Councillors Helen Adams, Meg Barrow, Val Chapman, Phil Davis, Robert Duncan, Chris Evans, Rita Heseltine, Diane Holmes, Matthew Jackson, Victor Kelly, Robert Reade, Wendy Sutton
Chairman – Councillor Bob Cope
Vice-Chairman – Councillor Robert Duncan
Standards and Resources Committee
Conservative Group (8)
Councillors Barry Bond MBE, Mike Davies, Phil Davis, Sue Duncan, Diane Holmes, Sue Szalapski, Robert Reade, Victoria Wilson
Chairman – Councillor Barry Bond MBE
Vice-Chairman – Councillor Diane Holmes
Standards & Resources Assessment Sub Committee
Councillors John Brindle, Mike Davies, Dr Paul Harrison MBE, Robert Reade, Sue Szalapski, Victoria Wilson
Discretionary Housing Payments Scheme
Conservative Group (6)
Councillors Andy Adams, Helen Adams, Sue Duncan, Rita Heseltine, Diane Holmes, Roger Lees BEM
Housing Review Panel
Cabinet Member for Regulatory Services – Councillor Rita Heseltine (Substitute – Councillor Kath Perry MBE)
Local Joint Committee
Conservative Group (4)
Councillors Victor Kelly, Kath Perry MBE, Ray Perry, Bernard Williams
Personal Development Review and Appointments Panel
Conservative Group (4)
Councillors Barry Bond MBE, Victor Kelly, Kath Perry MBE, David Williams