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Meeting Details

Meeting Summary
7 May 2024 - 19:00 to 19:58
  • Documents
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  • Visitors
  • Declarations of Interests



Meeting Details
Public Session
1 Election of Chairman of the Council

To elect the Chairman of the Council for the Municipal Year 2024/25

(The new Chairman of the Council will be invested with the chain of office and, having taken the chair, will sign the declaration of acceptance of office)


Councillor Dan Kinsey BEM was proposed by Councillor Mark Evans and seconded by Councillor Vince Merrick and it was

RESOLVED: that Councillor Dan Kinsey BEM be elected Chairman of the Council for the Municipal Year 2024/25.

2 Election of Vice-Chairman of the Council

To elect the Vice-Chairman of the Council for the Municipal Year 2024/25


Councillor Philip Davis was proposed by Councillor Rita Heseltine and seconded by Councillor Christopher Evans and it was

RESOLVED: that Councillor Philip Davis be elected Vice-Chairman of the Council for the Municipal Year 2024/25.

3 pdf Minutes (39Kb)



To approve the minutes of the meeting of Council held on 26 March 2024.

RESOLVED: that the minutes of the Council meeting held on 26 March 2024 be approved and signed by the Chairman.
4 pdf Minutes (36Kb)



To approve the minutes of the meeting of Special Council held on 2 April 2024.


RESOLVED: that the minutes of the Special Council meeting held on 2 April 2024 be approved and signed by the Chairman.
5 Apologies

To receive any apologies for non-attendance.

Apologies were received from Councillor K Williams, Councillor S Szalapski, Councillor V Kelly and Councillor D Williams.
6 Declarations of Interest

To receive any declarations of interest.

There were no declarations of interest. 
7 Notification by the Leader of the Council of the Councillors Appointed to the Cabinet

The Leader of the Council will inform the Council of:-

(1) the Councillors he has appointed to the Cabinet for the Municipal Year 2024/25 and the Lead Responsibilities they will each hold

(2) the Member of the Cabinet he has appointed as Deputy Leader of the Council for the Municipal Year 2024/25


The Leader of the Council, Councillor Roger Lees BEM, announced his Cabinet as follows:

Business Enterprise and Community Infrastructure - Councillor Victoria Wilson

Community Services and Climate Change - Councillor Kath Perry MBE

Corporate Services - Councillor Roger Lees BEM

Regulatory Services - Councillor Rita Heseltine

Welfare Services - Councillor Robert Reade

Deputy Leader - Councillor Victoria Wilson


Report of the Monitoring Officer

It was proposed by Councillor Roger Lees BEM and seconded by Councillor Victoria Wilson and 
RESOLVED: that the revised Constitution be adopted by Council and replace all previous versions of the Constitution. 


Report of the Monitoring Officer

It was proposed by Councillor Roger Lees and seconded by Councillor Victoria Wilson and 
RESOLVED: that the overall proportions for committees set out in paragraph 3.6 be approved. 
10 Audit and Risk Committee

(a) To appoint 8 members to the Audit and Risk Committee for the Municipal Year 2024/25

(N.B. (i) The political balance calculations to comply with Section 15 of the Local Government and Housing Act 1989 will be set out in the report of the Monitoring Officer
(ii) A member of the Cabinet may not also be a member of the Audit and Risk Committee)

(b) To elect the Chairman of the Audit and Risk Committee for the Municipal Year 2024/25

(c) To elect the Vice-Chairman of the Audit and Risk Committee for the Municipal Year 2024/25


RESOLVED: that for the Municipal Year 2024/25

a) an Audit and Risk Committee be appointed in accordance with the Constitution of the Council comprising Councillor A Adams, B Bond MBE, C Evans, J Michell, M Perry, S Szalapski, W Fisher, S Dufty

b) Councillor J Michell be appointed Chairman of the Audit and Risk Committee

c) Councillor A Adams be appointed Vice-Chairman of the Audit and Risk Committee

11 Licensing and Regulatory Committee

(a) To appoint 15 members to the Licensing and Regulatory Committee for the Municipal Year 2024/25

(N.B. The political balance calculations to comply with Section 15 of the Local Government and Housing Act 1989 will be set out in the report of the Monitoring Officer)

(b) To elect the Chairman of the Licensing and Regulatory Committee for the Municipal Year 2024/25

(c) To elect the Vice-Chairman of the Licensing and Regulatory Committee for the Municipal Year 2024/25


RESOLVED: that for the Municipal Year 2024/25

a) a Licensing and Regulatory Committee be appointed in accordance with the Constitution of the Council comprising Councillors A Adams, M Barrow, M Davies, C Evans, R Heseltine, M Jackson, V Merrick, J Michell, B Williams, D Williams, P Allen, R Nelson, S Harper-Wallis, G Burnett, J Brindle

b) Councillor V Merrick be appointed Chairman of the Licensing and Regulatory Committee

c) Councillor M Barrow be appointed Vice-Chairman of the Licensing and Regulatory Committee

12 Overview and Scrutiny Committee

(a) To appoint the Overview and Scrutiny Committee for the Municipal Year 2024/25

(N.B. the Constitution specifies that:-

(i) the Overview and Scrutiny Committee shall comprise all members of the Council who are not members of the Cabinet
(ii) the Chairman of the Overview and Scrutiny Committee may not also chair the Wellbeing Select Committee)

(b) To elect the Chairman of the Overview and Scrutiny Committee for the Municipal Year 2024/25

(c) To elect the Vice-Chairman of the Overview and Scrutiny Committee for the Municipal Year 2024/25


RESOLVED: that for the Municipal Year 2024/25 

a) a Overview and Scrutiny Committee comprising all members of the Council who are not members of the Cabinet be appointed in accordance with the constitution of the Council 

b) Councillor M Davies be appointed Chairman of the Overview and Scrutiny Committee 

c) Councillor V Chapman be appointed Vice-Chairman of the Overview and Scrutiny Committee 

13 Asset Scrutiny Panel


(a) To elect 7 members to sit on the Asset Scrutiny Panel

(N.B. (i) The political balance calculations to comply with Section 15 of the Local Government and Housing Act 1989 will be set out in the report of the Monitoring Officer)


(b) To elect the Chairman of the Asset Scrutiny Panel for the Municipal Year 2024/25

(c) To elect the Vice-Chairman of the Asset Scrutiny Panel for the Municipal Year 2024/25


RESOLVED: that for the Municipal Year 2024/25 

a) an Asset Scrutiny Panel be appointed in accordance with the Constitution of the Council comprising Councillors V Chapman, M Davies, P Davis, M Perry, W Sutton, B Cope, Dr P Harrison MBE

b) Councillor M Perry be appointed Chairman of the Asset Scrutiny Panel

c) Councillor M Davies be appointed Vice-Chairman of the Asset Scrutiny Panel 

14 Wellbeing Select Committee

(a) To appoint a Wellbeing Select Committee for the Municipal Year 2024/25 comprising 12 members of the Overview and Scrutiny Committee (plus the County Council Lead Member for Health Scrutiny [as a full voting member of the Select Committee] in accordance with the agreement with Staffordshire County Council)

(N.B. (i) The political balance calculations to comply with Section 15 of the Local Government and Housing Act 1989 will be set out in the report of the Monitoring Officer)
(ii) The Wellbeing Select Committee is the Council's Crime and Disorder Committee for the purposes of the Crime and Disorder (Overview and Scrutiny) Regulations 2009
(iii) The Wellbeing Select Committee will discharge the Council's responsibilities under the Health and Social Care Act 2001 and the National Health Service Act 2006 in accordance with the agreement between Staffordshire County Council and South Staffordshire Council (including scrutiny of proposals for and by health service organisations and the promotion of health and wellbeing activities in the district)
(iv) The Chairman of the Wellbeing Select Committee may not also chair the Overview and Scrutiny Committee)

(b) To elect the Chairman of the Wellbeing Select Committee for the Municipal Year 2024/25

(c) To elect the Vice-Chairman of the Wellbeing Select Committee for the Municipal Year 2024/25


RESOLVED: that for the Municipal Year 2024/25 

a) a Wellbeing Select Committee be appointed in accordance with the Constitution of the Council comprising Councillors M Barrow, V Chapman, C Evans, D Holmes, W Sutton, S Szalapski, B Williams, K Williams, R Nelson, Dr P Harrison MBE, F Hopkins, J Ashley

b) Councillor V Chapman be appointed Chairman of the Wellbeing Select Committee 

c) Councillor M Barrow be appointed Vice-Chairman of the Wellbeing Select Committee 

d) Councillor K Perry MBE was confirmed as the County Lead Member

15 Planning Committee

(a) To appoint 18 members to the Planning Committee for the Municipal Year 2024/25

(N.B. The political balance calculations to comply with Section 15 of the Local Government and Housing Act 1989 will be set out in the report of the Monitoring Officer)

(b) To elect the Chairman of the Planning Committee for the Municipal Year 2024/25

(c) To elect the Vice-Chairman of the Planning Committee for the Municipal Year 2024/25


RESOLVED: that for the Municipal Year 2024/25: 

a) a Planning Committee be appointed in accordance with the Constitution of the Council comprising Councillors H Adams, M Barrow, V Chapman, P Davis, R Duncan, M Evans, R Heseltine, D Holmes, V Kelly, K Perry MBE, R Reade, W Sutton, B Cope, C Steel, S Harper-Wallis, G Spruce, G Burnett, J Ashley

b) Councillor M Evans be elected Chairman of the Planning Committee

c) Councillor B Cope be elected Vice-Chairman of the Planning Committee

16 Standards and Resources Committee

(a) To appoint 12 members to the Standards and Resources Committee for the Municipal Year 2024/25

(N.B. (i)  The Leader of the Council and the Chairman of the Council may not be members of the Standards and Resources Committee
(ii) No more than 1 member of the Cabinet may also be a member of the Standards and Resources Committee
(iii) The Chairman and Vice-Chairman should be voting members of the Standards and Resources Committee
(iv) The political balance calculations to comply with Section 15 of the Local Government and Housing Act 1989 will be set out in the report of the Monitoring Officer)

(b) To elect the Chairman of the Standards and Resources Committee for the Municipal Year 2024/25

(c) To elect the Vice-Chairman of the Standards and Resources Committee for the Municipal Year 2024/25

(d) To co-opt six Parish Councillors to the Standards and Resources Committee for the Municipal Year 2024/25 in a non-voting capacity


RESOLVED: that for the Municipal Year 2024/25 

a) a Standards and Resources Committee be appointed in accordance with the Constitution of the Council comprising Councillors M Barrow, B Bond MBE, M Davies, P Davis, S Duncan, D Holmes, S Szalapski, R Reade, P Allen, Dr P Harrison MBE, G Burnett, J Brindle

b) Councillor B Bond MBE be appointed Chairman of the Standards and Resources Committee

c) Councillor D Holmes be appointed Vice-Chairman of the Standards and Resources Committee

d) Parish Councillors R Tucker, M Roberts, L Emery, C Taylor, K Elder and Dr R Taylor be appointed to the Standards and Resources Committee

17 Standards and Resources Sub-Committee - Hearings

(a) To appoint 6 members of the Standards and Resources Committee to the Hearings Sub-Committee for the Municipal Year 2024/25

(N.B. The political balance calculations to comply with Section 15 of the Local Government and Housing Act 1989 will be set out in the report of the Monitoring Officer)

(b) To co-opt three parish councillors to the Sub-Committee


RESOLVED: that for the Municipal Year 2024/25 

a) a Standards and Resources Hearings Sub Committee be appointed in accordance with the Constitution of the Council comprising Councillors P Allen, B Bond MBE, G Burnett, P Davis, S Duncan, D Holmes

b) Parish Councillors R Tucker, C Taylor, R Taylor be appointed to the Standards and Resources Hearings Sub Committee

18 Standards and Resources Sub-Committee - Assessment

(a) To appoint 6 members of the Standards and Resources Committee to the Assessment Sub-Committee for the Municipal Year 2024/25

(N.B. The political balance calculations to comply with Section 15 of the Local Government and Housing Act 1989 will be set out in the report of the Monitoring Officer)

(b) To co-opt three parish councillors to the Sub-Committee


RESOLVED: that for the Municipal Year 2024/25

a) a Standards and Resources Assessment Sub Committee be appointed in accordance with the Constitution of the Council comprising Councillors M Barrow, J Brindle, M Davies, Dr P Harrison MBE, R Reade, S Szalapski 

b) Parish Councillors M Roberts, L Emery, K Elder be appointed to the Standards and Resources Assessment Sub Committee

19 Disciplinary and Grievance Appeals Committee

To appoint 7 members to the Disciplinary and Grievance Appeals Committee for the Municipal Year 2024/25

(N.B. (i) The political balance calculations to comply with Section 15 of the Local Government and Housing Act 1989 will be set out in the report of the Monitoring Officer
(ii) This Committee must include at least one member of the Cabinet
(iii) No member of this Committee may also be a member of the Investigatory and Disciplinary Committee

RESOLVED: that for the Municipal Year 2024/25 a Disciplinary and Grievance Appeals Committee be appointed in accordance with the Constitution of the Council comprising Councillors R Heseltine, M Jackson, D Kinsey BEM, V Merrick, R Perry, C Steel, Dr P Harrison MBE
20 Discretionary Housing Payments Scheme

To elect 8 members from which panels will be drawn to consider disputes arising from the Discretionary Housing Payments Scheme during the Municipal Year 2024/25

RESOLVED: that Councillors H Adams, S Duncan, R Heseltine, D Holmes, R Lees BEM, D Williams, C Steel, S Harper-Wallis be appointed members from whom the Municipal Year 2024/25 panels will be drawn to consider disputes arising from the Discretionary Housing Payments Scheme
21 Investigatory and Disciplinary Committee

To appoint 7 members to the Investigatory and Disciplinary Committee for the Municipal Year 2024/25

(N.B. (i) The political balance calculations to comply with Section 15 of the Local Government and Housing Act 1989 will be set out in the report of the Monitoring Officer
(ii) This Committee must include at least one member of the Cabinet
(iii) No member of this Committee may also be a member of the Disciplinary and Grievance Appeals Committee)

RESOLVED: that for the Municipal Year 2024/25 an Investigatory and Disciplinary Committee be appointed in accordance with the Constitution of the Council comprising Councillors H Adams, R Lees BEM, J Michell, M Perry, D Williams, W Fisher, S Dufty
22 Housing Review Panel

To appoint 3 members (and 3 named substitute members) to the Housing Review Panel for the Municipal Year 2024/25

(N.B. The Constitution specifies that the Housing Review Panel shall comprise:
(i) a Cabinet Member (not the Member for Welfare Services) (Substitute: Leader of the Council)
(ii) one member and named substitute from the controlling Group on the Council
(iii) one member and named substitute appointed by the Leader of the Main Opposition Group on the Council or in the absence of such a Leader, one member and named substitute nominated by the Leader of the Council, who shall not be members of the controlling Group on the Council)

RESOLVED: that for the Municipal Year 2024/25 a Housing Review Panel be appointed in accordance with the Constitution of the Council comprising Councillors R Heseltine, V Kelly and C Steel; and Councillors R Lees BEM, A Adams and P Allen be appointed as Substitute members
23 Local Joint Committee

To elect 6 members to the Local Joint Committee for the Municipal Year 2024/25
RESOLVED: that for the Municipal Year 2024/25 a Local Joint Committee be appointed in accordance with the Constitution of the Council comprising Councillors V Kelly, R Lees BEM, R Perry, B Williams, B Cope, Sam Harper-Wallis
24 Lottery Advisory Panel


To appoint 10 members to the Lottery Advisory Panel



RESOLVED: that for the Municipal Year 2024/25 a Lottery Advisory Panel be appointed in accordance with the Constitution of the Council comprising Councillors; 

Locality 1 – S Harper-Wallis and V Kelly
Locality 2 – D Holmes and S Szalapski
Locality 3 – J Brindle and C Steel
Locality 4 – M Barrow and R Heseltine
Locality 5 – M Perry and V Wilson 

25 Personal Development Review and Appointments Panel


To elect 6 members to sit on the Personal Development Review and Appointments Panel


RESOLVED: that for the Municipal Year 2024/25 a Personal Development Review and Appointments Panel be appointed in accordance with the Constitution of the Council comprising Councillors B Bond MBE, M Davies, R Lees, V Wilson, B Cope, F Hopkins
26 Appointment of Representatives to Serve on Outside Bodies

To make appointments to outside bodies as follows:-

(Note: All appointments to be made for the Municipal Year 2024/25 unless otherwise stated)


(a) Health Select Committee

Nomination of 1 member and 1 substitute member

(N.B. This Committee comprises 8 County Councillors and 8 District/Borough Councillors. The District/Borough members are Chairmen of their Council’s Health Scrutiny Committee/Panel. It is recommended that the member nominated also serves as Chairman of the Wellbeing Select Committee)

(b) Staffordshire Planning Forum

Nomination of 1 member and 1 substitute member

(c) Corporate Parenting Panel 

Nomination of 1 member


(2) Bilbrook Playing Fields Committee

Nomination of 1 member

(3) 2078 Boscobel Squadron Air Training Corps

Nomination of 1 member

(4) Campaign to Protect Rural England

Nomination of 1 member

(5) Cannock Chase Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty Joint Committee


Nomination of 1 member and 1 substitute member


(6) Codsall Village Hall and Playing Fields Committee

Nomination of 1 representative 

(7) Environmental Protection UK

Nomination of 2 members

(8) Forest of Mercia Members’ Advisory Panel

Nomination of 2 members

(9) Four Ashes Energy Recovery Facility Local Liaison Committee

Nomination of 3 members

(10) Hilton Main Recreation and Social Welfare Fund Grant Panel

Nomination of 1 member (who must be a member for a ward formerly part of Cannock Chase Rural District Council)


(11) Marsh Recreation Ground and Community Centre Trust


Nomination of 1 member

(12) Leisure Centre Management Committees

(a) Cheslyn Hay Leisure Centre

Nomination of 2 members

(b) Codsall Leisure Centre

Nomination of 2 members


(c) Wombourne Leisure Centre

Nomination of 2 members


(13) Local Government Association

(a) Association

Nomination of 2 members (Primary Representative and 2nd Representative)

(b) District Council Network

Nomination of 1 member

(14) Midlands Joint Advisory Clean Air Council

Nomination of 1 member

(15) Monckton Recreation Management Committee

Appointment of 1 member

(16) PATROL (Traffic Penalty Tribunal) Adjudication Joint Committee

Nomination of 1 member and 1 substitute member 


(17) PFCC Strategic Community Safety Forum


Nomination of 1 member


(18) Shoal Hill Common Joint Committee

(N.B. The provisions of the Local Government and Housing Act 1989 re political balance apply to this Committee)

Nomination of 3 members (1 of whom must be the member for Hatherton)

(19) Sow and Penk Internal Drainage Management Board

Nomination for the appointment of 1 representative (by agreement with Stafford Borough Council)

(20) Staffordshire Destination Management Partnership Board (Enjoy Staffordshire)

Nomination of 1 member

(21) Staffordshire Joint Police and Crime Panel

Nomination of 1 member


(22) Staffordshire Playing Fields Association

Nomination of 1 member

(23) Trysull and Seisdon Playing Fields Committee

Nomination of 1 representative

(To hold office from AGM of the Management Committee in October 2024 to the AGM in October 2025)

(24) West Midlands Employers

Nomination of 1 representative

(25) Wolverhampton Business (Halfpenny Green) Airport Consultative Committee

Nomination of 2 representatives who must either be members or employees of the Council

(26) Wombourne and District Community Association

Nomination of 1 member

(27) Saredon Quarry Liaison Committee


 Nomination of 1 representative


(28) Seisdon Quarry Liaison Committee


Nomination of 1 representative


(29) iESE 


Nomination of 1 representative


(30) Staffordshire Sustainability Board 


Nomination of 1 representative


(31) Staffordshire Leaders Board


Nomination of 1 representative



RESOLVED: that for the Municipal Year 2024/25 the following appointments be made to Outside Bodies; 


(a)      Health Select Committee 

Chairman of Wellbeing Select Committee - Councillor Val Chapman (Substitute – Councillor Meg Barrow) 

(b) Staffordshire Planning Forum

Cabinet Member for Business Enterprise and Community Infrastructure - Councillor Victoria Wilson (Substitute – Councillor Roger Lees BEM) 

(c) Corporate Parenting Panel 

Councillor Wendy Sutton

(2) Bilbrook Playing Fields Committee

Councillor Gary Burnett

(3) 2078 Boscobel Squadron Air Training Corps

Councillor Rob Duncan

(4) Campaign to Protect Rural England

Cabinet Member for Community Services and Climate Change - Councillor Kath Perry MBE

(5) Cannock Chase Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty Joint Committee

Cabinet Member for Business Enterprise and Community Infrastructure –  Councillor Victoria Wilson (Substitute – Councillor Kath Perry MBE)

(6) Codsall Village Hall and Playing Fields Committee

Councillors Meg Barrow and Val Chapman

(7) Environmental Protection UK

Cabinet Member for Community Services and Climate Change Councillor - Kath Perry MBE and Councillor Matthew Jackson

(8) Forest of Mercia Members' Advisory Panel

Councillors Bob Cope and David Williams

(9) Four Ashes Energy Recovery Facility Local Liaison Committee 

Cabinet Member for Business Enterprise and Community Infrastructure - Councillor Victoria Wilson plus Councillors Bob Cope and Wendy Sutton

(10) Hilton Main Recreation and Social Welfare Fund Grant Panel

Councillor Bob Cope

(11) Marsh Recreation Ground and Community Centre Trust

Councillor Greg Spruce

(12) Leisure Centre Management Committees

(a) Cheslyn Hay Leisure Centre

Councillors Ray Perry and Bernard Williams

(b) Codsall Leisure Centre

Councillors Meg Barrow and Val Chapman

(c) Wombourne Leisure Centre

Councillors Dan Kinsey BEM and Victoria Wilson

(13) Local Government Association 

(a) Association

Primary Representative – Leader of the Council 2nd Representative – Deputy Leader of the Council  

(b) District Council Network

Leader of the Council  

(14) Midlands Joint Advisory Clean Air Council 

Cabinet Member for Community Services and Climate Change - Councillor Kath Perry MBE

(15) Monckton Recreation Management Committee

Councillor Andy Adams  

(16) PATROL (Traffic Penalty Tribunal) Adjudication Joint Committee

Cabinet Member for Regulatory Services - Councillor Rita Heseltine (Substitute – Cabinet Member for Business Enterprise and Community Infrastructure - Councillor Victoria Wilson) 

(17) PFCC Strategic Community Safety Forum

Councillor Vince Merrick

(18) Shoal Hill Common Joint Committee

Councillors Helen Adams, Bob Cope and David Williams

(19) Sow and Penk Internal Drainage Management Board 

Councillor Victor Kelly (by agreement with Stafford Borough Council)

(20) Staffordshire Destination Management Partnership Board (Enjoy Staffordshire)

Cabinet Member for Business Enterprise and Community Infrastructure - Councillor Victoria Wilson

(21) Staffordshire Joint Police and Crime Panel 

Leader of the Council (Substitute Councillor Vince Merrick) 

(22) Staffordshire Playing Fields Association 

Councillor Kath Perry MBE

(23) Trysull and Seisdon Playing Fields Committee 

Councillor Victoria Wilson

(To hold office from AGM of the Management Committee in October 2024 to the AGM in October 2025)  

(24) West Midlands Employers

Confirmation of appointment of the Chief Executive and Leader of the Council

(25) Wolverhampton Business (Halfpenny Green) Airport Consultative Committee

Councillors Roger Lees BEM and Victoria Wilson

(26) Wombourne and District Community Association 

Councillor Dan Kinsey BEM

(27) Saredon Quarry Liaison Committee

Councillor Bob Cope

(28) Seisdon Quarry Liaison Committee 

Councillor Victoria Wilson

(29) iESE

Councillor Roger Lees BEM

(30) Staffordshire Sustainability Board

Cabinet Member for Community Services and Climate Change - Councillor Kath Perry MBE

(31) Staffordshire Leaders Board

Leader of the Council 

27 Independent Members' Remuneration Panel

To appoint an independent remuneration panel to consider:
(a) the Members' Allowances Scheme
(b) Parish Councillors' Remuneration arrangements

during the Municipal Year 2024/25


RESOLVED: that for the Municipal Year 2024/25 an Independent Members' Remuneration Panel be appointed in accordance with the Constitution of the Council comprising; 

Mr R Garbett - Retired Businessman

Mr A McLaughlin - Local Businessman

Alderman R Wright - Former Councillor

Mr J Giffard - Former Chief Constable of Staffordshire

28 Appointment of Independent Person

To re-appoint the following Independent Person for the Municipal Year 2024/25:

(a) Independent Person

Stephen Cork

RESOLVED: that Stephen Cork be appointed as the Independent Person for the Municipal Year 2024/25 
29 Appointment of Independent Members of Complaints Panel

To appoint the following Independent Members to the Council's Complaint Panel for the Municipal Year 2024/25:

Nicola Davies, Steven Cork and Adrian Hamlyn

RESOLVED: that for the Municipal Year 2024/25 S Cork, N Davies and A Hamlyn be appointed as Independent Members to the Council's Complaints Panel. 
To approve the Calendar of Meetings 2024 - 2025
A revised calendar of meetings had been circulated. It was proposed by Councillor Roger Lees BEM and seconded by Councillor Victoria Wilson and RESOLVED: that the Calendar of meetings be approved 
31 Questions pursuant to Council Procedure Rule 11.4

e:    A Councillor may ask the Chairman of the Council, a member of the Cabinet or the Chairman of any Committee, Sub-Committee or Panel a question on any matter in relation to which the Council has powers or duties or which affects the District of South Staffordshire provided that:-

(a) they have given at least seven working days' notice in writing of the question to the Chief Executive; or

(b) the question relates to urgent matters, they have the consent of the Cabinet Member to whom the question is to be put, and the content of the question is given to the Chief Executive by 11.00 a.m. on the day of the meeting.  Every question shall be put and answered without discussion but the person to whom the question has been put may decline to answer.

There were no questions pursuant to Council Procedure Rule 11.4 
32 Chairman's Announcements

To receive any announcements which the Chairman wishes to bring to the attention of the members.

The Chairman of the Council, Councillor Dan Kinsey BEM, announced that he was attending a number of civic events in May including the Royal Garden Party.  The Chairman’s Civic Sunday will be held on 30 June at St Benedict’s, Wombourne.  The Chairman will be undertaking a fund-raising skydive on 10 August.

Declarations of Interests

Member NameItem Ref.DetailsNature of DeclarationAction
No declarations of interest have been entered for this meeting.


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