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Meeting Details

Meeting Summary
20 Feb 2024 - 19:00 to 19:40
  • Documents
  • Attendance
  • Visitors
  • Declarations of Interests



Meeting Details
Public Session
1 Priority Business (if any)

To dispose of any business required by statute or by the Council's Procedure Rules to be brought before the Council before any other business.

There was no priority business.
2 pdf Minutes (42Kb)
To approve the minutes of the meeting of Council held on 12 December 2023.
RESOLVED: that the minutes of the meeting of Council held on 12 December 2023 be approved and signed by the Chairman.
3 Apologies

To receive any apologies for non-attendance.

Apologies were received from Councillor S Dufty, Councillor D Holmes, Councillor V Kelly, Councillor C Steel, Councillor S Szalapski and Councillor K Williams.
4 Declarations of Interest

To receive any declarations of interest.

The Monitoring Officer confirmed that Members did not need to make individual declarations of interest in respect of the setting of Council Tax. There were no declarations of interest.
5 Questions pursuant to Council Procedure Rule 11.4

e:    A Councillor may ask the Chairman of the Council, a member of the Cabinet or the Chairman of any Committee, Sub-Committee or Panel a question on any matter in relation to which the Council has powers or duties or which affects the District of South Staffordshire provided that:-

(a) they have given at least seven working days' notice in writing of the question to the Chief Executive; or

(b) the question relates to urgent matters, they have the consent of the Cabinet Member to whom the question is to be put, and the content of the question is given to the Chief Executive by 11.00 a.m. on the day of the meeting.  Every question shall be put and answered without discussion but the person to whom the question has been put may decline to answer.

There were no questions pursuant to Council Procedure Rule 11.4.

Report of the Leader of the Council



It was Proposed by Councillor Lees and Seconded by Councillor Wilson and

RESOLVED (1): Members approved the report together with the draft Medium-Term Financial Strategy (MTFS), projected expenditure for 2023/24, revenue estimates and capital programme for 2024/25 and proposals for the 2024/25 budget.

RESOLVED (2): Members passed a resolution in the form attached at Appendix 5.

RESOLVED (3): Members note the report of the Chief Finance Officer on the robustness of the estimates and the adequacy of the Council’s reserves, attached as Appendix .

RESOLVED (4): That the Leader of the Council be authorised to make any necessary amendments to include any late information or to correct any errors or omissions

In accordance with legal requirements, a named vote was undertaken with all members present voting for the Recommendations with the exception of Councillors Ashley, Harper-Wallis, Harrison and Spruce who abstained.

Report of the Leader of the Council

It was Proposed by Councillor Lees and Seconded by Councillor Wilson and

RESOLVED: Members approved the Capital Strategy 2024/25 to 2028/29.

Report of the Director of Finance

It was Proposed by Councillor Lees and Seconded by Councillor Wilson and

RESOLVED: Members approved each of the five key elements of this report.:
1) The Prudential Indicators and Limits for 2024/25 - 2028/29 contained within Appendix A of the report.  
2) The Minimum Revenue Provision (MRP) Statement contained within Appendix A (paragraph 2.3) which sets out the Council’s policy on MRP.
3) The Treasury Management Strategy 2024/25 - 2028/29 contained within Appendix A.
4) The Authorised Limit Prudential Indicator contained within Appendix A (para 3.2). 
5) The Investment Strategy 2024/25 contained in the Treasury Management Strategy (Appendix A), and the detailed criteria (included in Appendix B)

Report of the Monitoring Officer

It was Proposed by Councillor Lees and Seconded by Councillor Wilson and

RESOLVED: Members approved the reason of absence, namely that of mobility issues caused by a long-term health condition, for Councillor Kath Williams.

10 Chairman's Announcements

To receive any announcements which the Chairman wishes to bring to the attention of the members.

Note: Members, officers, and the public are requested to stand at the conclusion of the meeting whilst the Chairman and Vice-Chairman leave the Council Chamber.

The Chairman of the Council, Councillor Meg Barrow, welcomed Councillor Barry Bond back following a period of absence.  The Chairman expressed her thanks to those who had supported her chosen charity, MND, by way of donations in lieu of sending Christmas cards and for staff who had had a Christmas jumper day.  The Chairman held a successful fund-raising evening on 9 February, raising around £1,400 for her charity.  Finally, the Chairman mentioned her Civic Dinner to be held on 22 March and thanked those that had donated prizes and hoped many would be able to attend to support if possible.
Private Session

Declarations of Interests

Member NameItem Ref.DetailsNature of DeclarationAction
No declarations of interest have been entered for this meeting.


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